Dr. León Cohen Bello

Transmisión en directo

En el Marco del Congreso de la Asociación Argentina de Salud Mental

Transmisión en directo de la sesión inaugural del Capítulo de “Discapacidad e Integración” de la AASM.
Realizada en el Hotel Panamericano, Salón Los Andes, el pasado viernes 28 de agosto de 2015 a las 15:30

Contacto: leoncohenbello@yahoo.com.ar / huilengb@yahoo.com.ar

George Christodoulou
Leon Cohen Bello

Dear Leon
Thank you very much for this honor.

It is with great pleasure that I accept the honor to become an honorary member of the AASM chapter on Disability and Integration.

Integration or re-integration of persons with disability in society is indeed a measure of civilization. This dates back to ancient times.
The city-states in ancient Greece had a different approach towards persons with disability. In ancient Sparta (the city state of king Leonidas who sactificed himself and his 300 brave warriors against the Persian army) the attitude towards disabled people was very cruel and babies born with disabilities were killed.
In contrast, in Athens, the elected governor Pericles and the Athenians in general believed in democracy and care and protection for the disabled persons. Which of these two civilizations has survived in the historical memory of humanity? Athens of course, the cradle of Democracy. I wish your chapter to promote the very ideas that have prevailed since ancient times and have survived.
Democracy, care for the weak and the disabled, care for homeless people, respect for human rights, attention to ethics and justice and especially care for the people with mental health problems.
We have an obligation to advocate for them and defend their right to be fully integrated in society.

With warmest regards to all
President, World Federation for Mental Health